Recipe, Snack

Prol Tape

– 360 grams cassava tape, mashed
– 50 grams sugar
– 2 eggs
– 70 grams medium protein wheat flour
– 65 ml MamaKoKo coconut cream
– 75 gram margarine, melted

Ingredients for topping:
– White sesame and black sesame to taste
– Raisins to taste

How to make:
1. Squeeze the cassava tape and sugar until dissolved. You can stir it with a spoon. Add the egg and mix well.
2. Add the flour. Mix well. Add MamaKoKo and melted margarine. Mix well.
3. Pour in a heatproof dish or baking pan that has been greased with oil or margarine.
4. Sprinkle with raisins and sesame seeds. Steam for 20-30 minutes or until cooked through.
5. Lift and remove from pan. Allow to cool and cut to taste. Serve.

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