
Watch Out! Don’t Fall for Hustle Culture

Ever seen someone who likes to work from morning till night? People who always seem to be working until they don’t seem to have a break? Or maybe you’re like that yourself? If so, you might be caught up in hustle culture. So what exactly is hustle culture? Check out the explanation below!

Hustle culture is a fast-growing phenomenon in the digital age, especially among millennials and Gen Z. It promotes relentless hard work and is often identified by working more than reasonable hours, sacrificing breaks, and focusing on high productivity. It often glorifies relentless hard work as a way to achieve success and social rewards. So, what is the impact of hustle culture in the workplace?

Positive Impact

  • Increase Productivity

The first positive impact of hustle culture is that it can increase productivity at work. This habit can encourage a person to utilize time as efficiently as possible, and increase work output. This increase in work productivity is also often associated with career success. By working continuously and pursuing high goals, one can obtain a higher career path and also affect one’s finances.

  • As Self-Motivation

Some people consider this hustle culture as motivation at work. This is because our self-motivation will be boosted when we see other people achieve their goals. That way, this can encourage us to pursue our dreams or goals more vigorously.

Negative Impact

  • Burnout

Burnout or a condition of physical and mental exhaustion is one of the negative impacts of hustle culture. Everyone will run out of energy if they keep working non-stop. In the end, instead of us becoming more energetic at work, it actually reduces work productivity.

  • Health Issue

When undergoing hustle culture, not only mental health but physical health can also be disrupted. When we work too hard, we lose track of time and even forget to rest and eat. With a lack of rest and an irregular diet, the body will react. Over time, the risk of serious diseases increases, such as heart disease, hypertension, and even stroke.

  • Dissatisfied with Work

When you’re on the hustle culture, you will find it easier to compare other people’s work with your own. This can certainly make thinking less realistic in achieving a target and feelings of dissatisfaction will haunt your minds.

  • No Time for Yourself

Living a life that constantly focuses only on work will make us lose time for ourselves. Time to rest will be consumed with work. Time that we should be able to spend with others is also used for work, so sometimes it can cause our relationships with the closest people to become distant due to time constraints.

Overcoming Hustle Culture

  • Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries between your personal life and work life is an important step to overcoming hustle culture. Determine when is the right time to start and stop working. Also know when to say no and be brave enough to say it if you feel it’s a burden to yourself, because the one who knows best about your condition is you, not someone else.

  • Learn Time Management

One of the things you can do to avoid hustle culture is to learn good time management. With effective working time, you can complete your tasks on time so that you can avoid overtime and have enough time to rest.

  • Appreciate Yourself

Stop comparing your work with others! You may often see your friends posting about their successes, and sometimes it affects you. Remember, everyone has their own path and time. Give yourself credit for everything you’ve achieved. With this, you can avoid hustle culture.

  • Find a Hobby

Sometimes, there are people who like to spend their time being active. However, being active doesn’t mean you always have to spend it working. Being productive is not all about work. You can find a hobby outside of work to spend your free time. Find something that you like. From this hobby, you can also hone new skills!

Hustle culture has become a widespread phenomenon, fueled by social media and competitive work culture. The negative impact of hustle culture on mental, physical and quality of life cannot be ignored. By implementing the right strategies, we can achieve a balance between productivity and personal well-being.

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