The fat content needed by babies in the first 6 months of life can be fulfilled through breastfeeding. However, as the baby develops and gets older, the need for fat can no longer be met only through breast milk, but also through complementary foods or what we commonly know as weaning foods. Giving these weaning foods is also done gradually so that your little one’s digestive system can adapt well.
Reporting from Alodokter, fat in weaning food plays a role in increasing the baby’s appetite and the absorption process of fat-soluble vitamins. Additional fat in this weaning food can also be obtained through several types of food, one of which is coconut milk. The savory taste and soft texture make coconut milk for weaning food as Mama’s choice in processing it into food or snacks for the baby.
Giving coconut milk as weaning food for the baby is allowed as long as the amount is not excessive. So, what are the benefits of coconut milk for baby consumption?
Natural Fat Source
The natural fat contained in coconut milk acts as a source of calories needed for baby’s growth. Lack of calories makes the body unable to function optimally. Natural fats in coconut milk are also a type of fat that is easily digested for children under the age of 1 year, so it is good for energy sources.
Baby’s Brain Growth
Coconut milk is known to contain good fats that can help brain development and cognitive intelligence of your little one.
Strengthens the Immune System
Coconut milk is rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the overall development of the baby. The vitamin C content in coconut milk can also repair damaged body tissues and cells. Coconut milk also contains calcium and minerals that are good for bone and dental health.